Tribal Women Empowerment

Brighter Future is also working in the state of Odisha, where so many tribal races are residing in and around the Rayagada dist. They reside in remote areas on the hilltops. Their standards are very poor. Their occupation and mode of income is to cut down the fire woods and collecting forest materials and sell them in the nearest village markets. They are income is very little per day which is not sufficient for their family and children education and health. We have survey almost 20 villages surrounding of Rayagada tribal villages and all the villagers in that area are tribes.

Brighter Future initiated the income generation program among the tribal communities, we started forming Self help groups and provided After them with Self Help cash loans. we advised them different kinds of business and they initiated their own start ups From the loan amount and their income sources are gradually improved.

some are buying cows & buffaloes and started milk business, some are doing Goat rearing, piggery, Tailoring machines, Fire wood, Turmeric, Tamarind, and some are buying Seeds for cultivating like Ground Nuts, Paddy, Red Gram, Cotton, Maize etc. Now they are earning Rs 100 to Rs 150 per day and they are also taking good food twice in a day. Their children are having nutrition food like milk & eggs, chicken and wear good clothes and go to school regularly. Now the families living very happily and their economic status also improved.

We are frequently visited and explained them

  • how to develop their business.
  • how to earn more money from their petty businesses,
  • how to get more profit,
  • how to improve their economic living status.

By this early intervention the women in the tribal community initiated their start ups and now they are happy and self sustainable and their economic status is also good.

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